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The 85th Street Foyer
The intricately-designed walls and ceiling on display in the 85th Street Foyer were restored this summer. The space, which has practically remained unchanged since its construction in 1914, is now vibrant and alive, and is a must-see for anyone interested in admiring the architecture of our historic landmark building. Provided here are archived photographs along with photographs of the newly restored space.
85th Street Foyer - Early 1900's
85th Street Foyer - Early 1900's
Above: Two archived photographs of the 85th Street Foyer, as it appeared in the early 1900's.
85th Street Foyer - Before Restoration
85th Street Foyer - Before Restoration
85th Street Foyer - During Restoration
Above: Photographs of the 85th Street Foyer, as it appeared prior and during this summer's renovation work.
85th Street Foyer - After Restoration
85th Street Foyer - After Restoration
85th Street Foyer - After Restoration
85th Street Foyer - After Restoration
85th Street Foyer - After Restoration
85th Street Foyer - After Restoration
Above: Photographs of the 85th Street Foyer after their restoration in the Summer of 2014.